“Again she thought of a pear.…not the gritty kind that hung on the tree in the back yard, but the fine kind.…beautiful, clean pears with thin skins, with snow-white flesh so juicy and tender that to eat one baptized the whole face, and so delicate that while you urgently ate the first half the second half was already beginning to turn brown. To all fruits, and especially to those fine pears, something happened.…the process was so swift, you were never in time for them.…it’s the time when things are ready that they don’t stay.”
From “The Golden Apples”
By Eudora Welty
“Again she thought of a pear.…not the gritty kind that hung on the tree in the back yard, but the fine kind.…beautiful, clean pears with thin skins, with snow-white flesh so juicy and tender that to eat one baptized the whole face, and so delicate that while you urgently ate the first half the second half was already beginning to turn brown. To all fruits, and especially to those fine pears, something happened.…the process was so swift, you were never in time for them.…it’s the time when things are ready that they don’t stay.”
From “The Golden Apples”
By Eudora Welty