
  • Sports Illus­trat­ed” swim­suit cal­en­dar mount­ed on wood­en dis­play stand, paint­ed text, tabs
  • 18“H x 18“W x 18“D

Again she thought of a pear.…not the grit­ty kind that hung on the tree in the back yard, but the fine kind.…beautiful, clean pears with thin skins, with snow-white flesh so juicy and ten­der that to eat one bap­tized the whole face, and so del­i­cate that while you urgent­ly ate the first half the sec­ond half was already begin­ning to turn brown. To all fruits, and espe­cial­ly to those fine pears, some­thing happened.…the process was so swift, you were nev­er in time for them.…it’s the time when things are ready that they don’t stay.”

From The Gold­en Apples”
By Eudo­ra Welty